How we work

working with haleys is an investment.

We use the GLOSS Method™ to optimise working relationships and provide you with the most appropriate solution and guidance based on where you are now, where you want to get to and the speed you want to go at:

Goals. Where are you trying to get to? What are your personal goals as owners and what are the goals for the business? If your goals are unclear, we can help you articulate them.

Location. By location we mean where you are now in your business cycle. We need to understand the size and complexity of the business and how it is currently operated.

Obstacles. What stands in your way? What is preventing you from reaching your goals in terms of having enough time, the right people and knowledge?

Speed. How fast do you want to go? Establishing the speed of travel means that we can ensure our service levels match your ambitions and levels of investment.

Solution. After going through the GLOSS process we will provide you with a solution that is tailored to your needs.

what we can do for your business

Jul 15, 2024

Highlights from the Chancellor’s speech: What are the implications for tax and compliance?

The new Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rachel Reeves, delivered her first speech as Chancellor last week outlining her plans for revitalising the UK economy. While her speech was inevitably political and included criticism for the previous government while emphasising her own role, there were also some key takeaways for her plans on tax. Here’s a summary with some comments on what they could mean for you.
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Jul 11, 2024

Managing workforce holiday: A guide for business owners

This summer has brought with it several major sporting events – The Euros, Wimbledon and the Tour de France are currently all in progress, and the Olympics begin later in July. While this can be good news for businesses working in hospitality and retail, there can also be a dip in productivity as employees take time off or become distracted during major matches or events.
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LATEST NEWS FROM haleys business advisers

Jul 15, 2024

Highlights from the Chancellor’s speech: What are the implications for tax and compliance?

The new Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rachel Reeves, delivered her first speech as Chancellor last week outlining her plans for revitalising the UK economy. While her speech was inevitably political and included criticism for the previous government while emphasising her own role, there were also some key takeaways for her plans on tax. Here’s a summary with some comments on what they could mean for you.
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Jul 11, 2024

Managing workforce holiday: A guide for business owners

This summer has brought with it several major sporting events – The Euros, Wimbledon and the Tour de France are currently all in progress, and the Olympics begin later in July. While this can be good news for businesses working in hospitality and retail, there can also be a dip in productivity as employees take time off or become distracted during major matches or events.
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