Harrison Drury Christmas Celebrations

November 28, 2023

Harrison Drury Christmas Celebrations

The Christmas celebrations have begun!

Tim Haley and Joanna MacDonald were guests of Harrison Drury Solicitors' early Christmas do held at the Ivory Tower, Preston on Friday 24th November.

By the time everyone had arrived, the place was bursting at the seams with team-members from Harrison Drury, clients and business associates present. The last time Tim saw Joanna was at 5:30PM, and never saw her again that night!

Pictured are HD chief executive John Chesworth giving a speech about notable achievements for the firm in 2023.

Of particular interest was HD opening their Manchester office, providing them now with a true North West regional presence. Also congratulations to Jack Stephenson, who joined as a trainee, aged 24, and has now risen to partner status.

Thank you HD for a great night!